Looking for trees before our clash against Mumbai City FC

Climate change has always been real. And in the past few years it has only become more and more evident. 

And if you think the problem is not yours to live with, think again. It may not wait until the next generation arrives. 

Tamil Nadu has lost around 406 sq km of forest cover in the last two years. Chennai has 5% of its total geographical area covered with trees, which is much lesser than cities like Mumbai, Delhi or Hyderabad. The recommended global standards are 33% by the way! 

Before it became the concrete jungle it is now, Chennai was popularly known for its green landscape and biodiversity. While the decrease in tree cover can be mostly attributed to cyclones and rainstorms, road improvement, construction and human evolution are major contributing factors too.

One may wonder, how planting just one tree could make a difference but you’d be surprised. And maybe don’t plant one, but atleast don’t destroy the ones that already exist.